Let Surge Pest Control Protect Your Property
Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with the frustration and headaches of an ant problem on your own when you have the team at Surge Pest Control on your side. Our experienced ant control pros use the latest products and techniques to achieve better and longer-lasting results. We stand by our services, and we always offer peace of mind thanks to a team that always puts customer satisfaction above all else. From large infestations and complex problems to simple spot treatments, one-time solutions, and even ongoing treatment plans that keep you protected at all times, make the call and place your trust in us.
How to Handle an Ant Problem
Surge Pest Control is equipped to work with a wide variety of different ant species, and we tailor our services to meet your needs and address the specific problem you are having. This includes offering services for fire ants—one of the most notoriously aggressive species of ant commonly found throughout much of the United States. Fire ants are well-known for their distinct red color and their bites that inject victims with searing pain from a particularly potent venom.
Ant Behavior Characteristics
However, ants tend to make their presence known in force when they locate a food source. As scavengers, they leave behind a trail of scent that other worker ants follow in order to reach their food. Following a trail of ants not only can help you locate what has drawn them in to begin with, but can also usually guide you back to where they are coming from so you can deal with the problem.